Krishna Joo Razdan

Krishna Joo Razdan

Saint-Poet Krishna Joo Razdan Krishna Joo Razdan

Featured Collections

Razdan Sahib's Puranic Picture Gallery

Krishna Joo Razdan's "Maharaja Mahadevun Che Chhui Saal" is a superb Puranic picture gallery. In this devotional lyric cosmos is the studio-cum-exhibition hall, Lord Vishnu is the model and Krishna Joo Razdan, incognite as Narada, is the inspired literary painter. >>>

Acche Posh Gav Lachhi Novuy Heth

ACHHE POSH GAV LACHHI NOVUY HETH is a superb devotional lyric in Pt. Krishna Joo Razdan's Shiva Pranae. Here the immortal Kashmiri bard rapturously celebrates Uma's union with Chandrachud. The beautiful flowery metaphors illustrate the saint-poet's deep devotion for Lord Shiva and his Divine Consort, Shakti. >>>

An article in Hindi by Kundan >>>

An article in Kashmiri by Shyam Lal Razdan >>>

An article in Hindi by Dr. S. S. Toshkhani. >>>


A list of Krishen Joo Razdan's bhajans. A presentation by Prof. Chaman Lal Sapru. >>>

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