Pandit Janki Nath Kachroo, former Principal-National School, Karan Nagar, Srinagar, Kashmir, left for heavenly abode in September 2006.
The creation of SOS Children Villages of India as the largest Children NGO in India is widely known.
Dr. Saligram Kaul, the noted physician passed away on Feb ruary 17, 2005 at New Delhi after a brief illness. He had a distinguished career both as an able physician as well as an administrator.
I first saw Mr Jagan Nath Patwari when he was in thirties. A young, charming, active and graceful personality. He was the person who conducted me to my class in the school, National School, Karan Nagar, Srinagar.
In the passing away of Dr. MS Jalali Kashmir has lost an out standing Veterinarian and an ace cricketer. He was probably the first Kashmiri veterinarian.
Sh. Mohan Lal Razdan, S/o Madhav Joo Razdan, born in July-1929. Originally from Nai Sarak, Habbakadal, Srinagar, Kashmir breathed his last on 2nd September, 2009 ( Badhon Shuklpaksh, Triyodashi) at his present residence, 53-B, Tirath Nagar, Talab Tilloo Jammu.
With deep sorrow and grief, we wish to inform the untimely and sudden demise of one the great souls of Kashmir Mr. Chaman Lal Kantroo who hailed from Kha Bazaar Anantnag, Kashmir, to all the members of Kashmiri community.
Poet, writer, folk-lorist, researcher Moti Lal Saqi passed away in the wee hours of May 21, 1999 in New Delhi after a massive heart attack.
TO the utter shock and grief of scholarly circles, Prof. Nila Kanth Gurtu left this mortal world on 18th Dec., 2008, after having suffered the blisters and bruises caused by the Alzeimers disease.
Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, during his second tenure as head of the Jammu and Kashmir government, inducted a prominent National Conference (NC) leader from Baramulla, Mubarak Shah, into his cabinet.
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