Over a 400 of them at last count. Median age 19 to 35. The grim-faced army officers receiving the coffins, draped in the tricolour, the carriage to the army parade ground, the set-jawed shok shastra farewell salute by steely soldiers. The silent sorrow of upraised guns, slowly brought, barrel downward, to the ground, left arm tautly extended to the right before retracking, the holding of palm to chest, the sudden dropping of head, the 30-second hushed silence, then the regulation rajnigandha and marigold wreaths from the army and air chiefs, the general officer commanding, fellow officers, the battalion, before the body escorted by a comrade begins its last journey home. Wreathed in white, the colour of the pure; kesariya, the colour and insignia of the brave. Now across mountains, now across rivers, plains.
The lines of pain crisscross the entire nation.
They did it again. They have risen to defend our Kashmir from the aggression of the enemy. They are sacrificing their lives to defend Kashmir against the evil designs of Muslim fundamentalism. Our heroes of the defence forces are battling with the fundamentalist in KARGIL SECTOR and not allowing them an inch of the country to be occupied. They are forcing the fundamentalists out and have succeeded in their mission to a great extent.
Kashmiri Pandits all over the world are grateful to these worriors and brave sons of the land for defending the Kashmiri Pandit homeland "MAEJ KASHEER" (MOTHER KASHMIR). We the Kashmiri Pandits pay TRIBUTES to these young heroes through this page.
We are trying our best to get information of all the Heroes. If the names of some brave soldiers are not included in the list, it is only that we don't have information about him at present. As soon as we get the info we will put a separate page for the hero.
Made the supreme sacrifice for his country while remaining over infiltrators-held positions to help coordinate rescue attempts to locate Flt. Lt. Nachiketa, who had baled out after his plane stalled due to an engine trouble.
Four crew members of the MI-17 helicopter gunship that was shot down by an American Stinger Missile in Kargil.
The young officer from Karnataka\\\'s Belgaum district made the supreme sacrifice during the air-to-ground rocket attack against a heavily missile defended area.
This work explains the most timeless question of all existence, What lies beyond Death? And it was Nachiketa who had the courage to confront even Death in his pursuit of the answer.
In a rare gesture, Union Minister of State for Coal Dilip Ray today donated Rs 100,000 from his personal account to the father of sergeant and flight engineer Raj Kishore Sahu who was killed in the Kargil conflict recently.
Naik Chaman Singh
Kamraj was looking forward to returning for good, after completing the mandatory service period on January 3, 2000. Fate willed otherwise.
A choked Swaran Singh told senior Army officials that he was ready to send his other three sons to the Army if the country needed their services.
Naik Birendra Singh Lamba
Behind the saga of gallantry of the Indian armed forces are little known tales of a cruel and abrupt end to beautiful relationships.
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