Upender Ambardar is a well-known Researcher and an M.A. in Kashmiri Literature from Kashmir University. He specialises in Social history and Culural traditions of Kashmiri Pandits.
Kavita Suri has Nine years professional experience in journalism in bothKavita Suri print (with both National and Local English newspapers) and electronic media.
Deepak Budki is a renowned Urdu short story writer. He started writing short stories in 1971.
Dr. Phoolchandra is a renowned and known Gynecologist and researcher. She was born on 14th April 1946 in Srinagar at Kashmir. Her father name was Dr. Raghunath Safaya from Srinagar.
Parmayogi Sh. Som Nath Dhar was born on 27-Nov-1935 in Anantnag district of Jammu & Kashmir.
Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat is a Linguist, Kashmiri Writer, translator and a Media free lancer.
Ram Nath Kak, who passed away in Honolulu in 1993, was a veterinarian, a scholar and a teacher. He was influential in shaping the attitudes of many young people in Kashmir and in Delhi.
Born in 1933 in Srinagar, Shri Moti Lal Kemmu graduated from Jammu and Kashmir University in 1953.
Somnath Sapru has over 40 years experience as a journalist, author and editor of two leading newspapers in India
Shri G.K. Gurtu belongs to that group of migrants which settled in Kashmiri Mohalla, Lucknow (U.P.) around 1800.
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