
Articles and Opinions

Articles and Opinions

Dr. R.K. Tamiri

Dr. R.K. Tamiri is a keen Researcher on the Folklore and Cultural History of Kashmir.

JPN Trakru

JPN Trakru

Dr. Sushil Fotedar

Dr. Sushil Fotedar is a General Surgeon by profession.

Prof. AN Dhar

Prof. A.N. Dhar holds a doctorate in English Literature and a Diploma in English Studies from the Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad.

Sh. K.N. Koul

Born in a middle class family of Kashmiri Pundits in December 1921, got his early schooling in rural areas, mostly because of frequent transfers of his father, who was in Government Revenue Service.

Blhan Kaul

The author is a well known national awardee in film journalism, besides being a retired senior IPS Officer.

Shyam Kaul

The author is a veteran journalist, based in Jammu.

Brij Premi

Dr. Brij Premi was a multidimensional scholar and served Urdu literature with dedication.

SN Gurkha

Shri SN Gurkha joined Journalism in 1954. On completion of his five decades in journalism, he visits down memory lane to recapture his early life and engagement with Urdu journalism for our readers.

Gautam Kaul

Profile coming soon....

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